40 Self-Love Affirmations to Remind You of Your Worth

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Did you know that speaking kindly to yourself can make you feel happier and more confident? It’s true! This is called “self-affirmation.” By saying good things to yourself, you can build up your self-love and self-esteem. Research shows that self-affirmations can reduce stress and help you feel stronger on tough days (University of Pennsylvania, 2018).

Screenshot of the Uplift app showing an affirmation: 'I am confident in my abilities and talents' with a bridge above a scenic coastline in the background.

Affirmations work like little pep talks. They remind you of your strengths and help you believe in yourself. And the best part? You can do them anytime, anywhere.

With the Uplift app, it’s easy to get daily affirmations sent straight to your phone. You can pick themes that fit you, whether you’re a kid, a teen, or an adult. It’s a great way to start your day feeling positive and ready for anything!

Here are some simple and powerful affirmations. You can say them out loud or write them in a journal. Try saying a few each day. Soon, they’ll become a habit, and you’ll start to feel more positive about yourself.

1. I treat myself kindly and with compassion.

Remember that everyone makes mistakes, and being gentle with yourself helps you grow.

2. I give myself permission to be myself.

You don’t need anyone else’s approval to be who you are. You’re amazing just as you are.

3. I am allowed to take care of myself.

It’s okay to put yourself first. Taking care of yourself helps you be there for others, too.

4. I am worthy of respect and kindness.

You deserve respect from others, just as much as you deserve to respect yourself.

5. My needs and wants are important.

What you feel and need matters. It’s okay to listen to yourself and make your needs a priority.

6. I am still learning, so it’s okay to make mistakes.

Every mistake is a step toward learning. Don’t be hard on yourself for not being perfect.

7. I am allowed to say “no.”

Saying “no” doesn’t make you selfish. It’s okay to protect your time and energy.

8. I feel strong and confident in my body.

Your body is amazing for all it can do. Focus on what it helps you accomplish.

9. I feel blessed to have this body.

Your body is a gift. Appreciate it for everything it allows you to experience in life.

10. My body does not determine my worth.

You are so much more than how you look. Your worth is about who you are inside.

11. I accept myself exactly as I am now.

You don’t need to change to be worthy of love and respect. You’re already enough.

12. I am here to share my gifts with the world.

You have unique talents and ideas that the world needs. Share them proudly!

13. I don’t criticize myself or others.

Focus on lifting yourself and others up. Kindness makes everyone feel better.

14. I am worthy of the compliments I receive.

Accepting compliments is part of believing in your own value. Embrace them!

15. I deserve everything good that comes to me.

Good things are meant for you, too. You are worthy of all the joy life has to offer.

16. I have unique ideas to share with the world.

Your thoughts and ideas matter. Share them because they’re valuable.

17. I’m allowed to take time for myself.

Taking breaks isn’t lazy; it’s necessary. Rest helps you feel your best.

18. I strive for balance in my life.

Balance is about feeling good inside and outside. Try to make time for both.

19. I honor and respect my needs.

Listening to yourself is important. Taking care of your needs shows self-respect.

20. Needing a break is not a weakness.

Breaks are part of staying strong. You’re taking care of yourself, and that’s okay.

21. I protect my inner peace.

Your peace matters. Don’t let anyone take it away from you.

22. I honor my boundaries.

Boundaries help you feel safe. It’s okay to set limits that protect you.

23. I am at my best when I take the time to rest.

Rest helps you recharge and be your best self. Don’t skip it!

24. I am happy, healthy, loved, and abundant.

Remind yourself of all the good things in your life. Focus on what makes you feel grateful.

25. I am going to forgive myself and free myself.

Holding onto guilt doesn’t help. Letting go is a gift you give to yourself.

26. I deserve to forgive and be forgiven.

Believe in yourself. Know that you deserve good things.

27. I am worthy of love and respect.

You deserve to be loved and respected just as you are. Don’t settle for less.

28. I am deserving of happiness and joy.

Joy is for you, too. You deserve to feel happy and fulfilled.

29. I am enough just as I am, and I don’t need to change for anyone.

You’re already amazing. You don’t need to change to be worthy of love.

30. I release all self-doubt and embrace my true self.

Self-doubt holds you back. Embrace who you are, flaws and all.

31. I forgive myself for past mistakes and focus on the present moment.

The past is over, and you’re here now. Focus on today and what you can do now.

32. I believe that I am unique, and nothing can replace me.

You are one of a kind. No one else can be you, and that’s your power.

33. I will unconditionally love myself and feel good about myself.

Love yourself without limits. You deserve your own kindness.

34. I am completely at peace with myself, and I respect my decisions.

Respect yourself for the choices you’ve made. Trust that you’re doing your best.

35. I live my life with joy and confidence; my life is a gift.

Every day is a gift. Live it with a joyful heart and trust yourself.

36. I always listen to my inner feelings and express them when I need to.

Your feelings matter. Listening to them helps you make choices that are right for you.

37. I will treat my body with kindness and love.

Your body deserves love and care. Treat it like the gift it is.

38. I acknowledge my faults and forgive myself.

No one is perfect. Accepting and forgiving yourself helps you move forward.

39. I am in the process of becoming the best version of myself.

Every day is a new chance to grow. Keep moving forward with kindness.

40. I have the freedom and power to create the life I desire.

You have the power to shape your own life. Believe in yourself and go after your dreams.


So, what are you waiting for? Start practicing these self-affirmations today! With a little time each day, you’ll notice a big difference in how you feel. Remember, you are amazing just as you are, and you deserve to feel good about yourself.

If you’d like a little extra help, try the Uplift app. It’s a simple way to get daily affirmations that fit you perfectly. You can choose what themes you like and even set reminders. So give it a try and start improving your quality of life today!


University of Pennsylvania. (2018). The Science of Affirmations. Retrieved from https://www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu/science-affirmations.American

Psychological Association. (2020). Affirmations and Self-Compassion: A Guide to Well-Being. Retrieved from https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/affirmations-self-compassion.

DS stories (2020 ). Scrabble Letters Motivational Text [Photograph]. Pexels. https://www.pexels.com/photo/scrabble-letters-motivational-text-6005269/