A person sitting on a rock at golden hour, looking thoughtfully into the distance.

Best Positive Affirmations in 2024 to Combat Anxiety and Depression

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October is recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to acknowledging the importance of mental health and raising awareness about the struggles millions face daily. Two of the most prevalent mental health conditions—anxiety and depression—can make everyday life feel like an uphill battle. Anxiety and depression are not only common but also deeply impactful, affecting over 264 million people worldwide with depression and 284 million people suffering from anxiety disorders (World Health Organization, 2021). These mental health conditions can lead to diminished quality of life, strained relationships, and reduced productivity (American Psychiatric Association, 2022).

The overwhelming feelings of worry, fear, and sadness that come with these conditions often trap individuals in cycles of negative thinking. In recent years, positive psychology has gained attention as a supplementary tool for managing mental health conditions. Positive affirmations, in particular, have shown promise in helping people reframe their thought patterns and reduce negative self-talk (Sherman et al., 2018).

In this blog, we’ll explore how positive affirmations can serve as a lifeline for those grappling with anxiety and depression, especially during Mental Health Awareness Month. Affirmations offer an accessible, low-cost way to support mental health, and when practiced regularly, they can significantly improve emotional well-being.

Understanding Anxiety and Depression

Before diving into affirmations, it’s essential to understand what anxiety and depression entail. Anxiety is characterized by excessive worry, fear, and a sense of impending doom. Depression, on the other hand, often manifests as deep sadness, a lack of motivation, and feelings of hopelessness. While the two conditions are distinct, they frequently occur together, creating a mental and emotional burden that can be difficult to bear (National Institute of Mental Health, 2020).

While therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes are crucial components of managing these conditions, positive affirmations offer a complementary approach that can make a significant impact on mental well-being.

How Positive Affirmations Help

Affirmations work by challenging negative thought patterns and reframing them into positive, self-empowering statements. When repeated regularly, they can help rewire the brain, promote a more optimistic outlook, and reinforce feelings of self-worth (Creswell et al., 2013). For individuals dealing with anxiety and depression, this practice can serve as a daily reminder that they have the strength and resilience to overcome their challenges.

The beauty of affirmations is that they are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Whether you say them in front of a mirror in the morning, write them down in a journal, or receive them through an app like Uplift, they serve as a personal mantra to center yourself during difficult moments.

Here are some of the best positive affirmations in 2024 to combat anxiety and depression:

1. “I have come farther than I give myself credit for.”

This affirmation is crucial for anyone struggling with self-doubt or feeling overwhelmed by their current situation. Anxiety and depression often cause individuals to lose sight of their accomplishments, making them feel stuck or as though they haven’t made progress. This affirmation serves as a gentle reminder that every small victory counts and that you’ve overcome challenges before.

Acknowledge your growth. Celebrate the strength it took to make it this far. Each step forward, no matter how small, is progress.

Screenshot from the Uplift app displaying the affirmation "I have come farther than I give myself credit for" with an autumn-themed background of a small road and falling leaves.

2. “I let go of what I cannot change.”

Screenshot from the Uplift app displaying the affirmation "I let go of what I cannot change" with a coastal background, featuring a sunset and a man standing on a rock by the sea.

Anxiety thrives on the need for control. When things don’t go as planned or when life throws unexpected challenges our way, it’s easy to spiral into overthinking. This affirmation encourages acceptance of the things we cannot control, freeing up mental space to focus on what truly matters.

Letting go isn’t about giving up—it’s about understanding that not everything is within our control. By releasing what we cannot change, we allow ourselves to embrace peace and reduce anxiety.

3. “I don’t worry about things I have no control over.”

Building on the previous affirmation, this one encourages releasing worries about situations beyond our control. Constant worry can feel like carrying an invisible weight on your shoulders. However, many things we stress over are outside of our influence.

By repeating this affirmation, you remind yourself that you are not responsible for controlling every outcome. Letting go of worry empowers you to focus on the present moment and handle challenges with clarity.

Screenshot from the Uplift app showing the affirmation "I don’t worry about things I have no control over" with a sunset sky, birds in flight, and tree silhouettes.

4. “I have made it through other challenges, and I will make it through this one.”

Screenshot from the Uplift app displaying the affirmation "I have made it through other challenges, and I will make it through this one" with a road illuminated by lights and buildings on either side.

Depression can often make you feel like your current struggle is insurmountable. It clouds your mind, making it difficult to recall the strength and resilience you’ve shown in the past. This affirmation brings back the memory of those past challenges—moments when you doubted yourself but still made it through.

Remind yourself of your inner resilience. Just as you’ve triumphed over difficulties before, you have the strength to overcome this moment. Each hardship is an opportunity for growth, and you are capable of facing it head-on.

5. “Just like before, I’ll survive this situation.”

Sometimes, the simplest affirmations are the most powerful. Anxiety and depression can distort reality, making you feel as though every crisis is the end of the world. This affirmation is a grounding force, reminding you that you’ve been here before, and you’ve survived every challenge life has thrown at you.

Reassure yourself that this, too, shall pass. Survival is not just about getting through the hard times; it’s about thriving and knowing that you will emerge stronger on the other side.

Screenshot from the Uplift app displaying the affirmation "Just like before, I’ll survive this situation" with a nighttime mountaintop and aurora lights in the sky.

6. “I am free of anything that weighs me down.”

Screenshot from the Uplift app displaying the affirmation "I am free of anything that weighs me down" with a forest background and sunlight streaming through the trees.

Depression often feels like an emotional burden, weighing you down with negative thoughts, hopelessness, or guilt. This affirmation is about reclaiming your personal freedom—mentally and emotionally. It’s a declaration of your intention to release anything that does not serve your well-being.

Affirming that you are free from negativity can help ease the emotional weight you carry and allow you to feel lighter and more in control of your life.

Incorporating Affirmations Into Your Daily Routine

Positive affirmations can be a powerful tool, but their real strength lies in consistency. Here are a few ways to make affirmations a part of your daily routine:

  • Morning Practice: Begin your day by reciting affirmations in front of a mirror. This practice can set a positive tone for the rest of the day.
  • Mindful Breaks: During moments of stress or anxiety, take a mindful break and repeat a few affirmations to center yourself.
  • Journaling: Write down your affirmations daily. Journaling helps solidify them in your mind and allows you to track your emotional progress.
  • App Support: Apps like Uplift provide daily affirmations right at your fingertips. With Uplift, you can receive personalized affirmations every day, making it easier to stay on track with your mental wellness goals.

Why Uplift?

In a fast-paced world where it’s easy to become overwhelmed, Uplift helps you take a moment to breathe and focus on your mental health. The app offers a collection of affirmations tailored to combat anxiety, depression, and other emotional challenges. Whether you’re looking for encouragement, motivation, or simply a reminder of your inner strength, Uplift has you covered.

With Mental Health Awareness Month in full swing, there’s no better time to start focusing on your mental well-being. Download Uplift today and make positive affirmations a part of your journey toward a healthier mind.

Final Thoughts

Mental health is a journey, and it’s important to remember that no one is alone in their struggles. Positive affirmations are just one tool that can help shift your mindset and promote healing. During Mental Health Awareness Month and beyond, use these affirmations to remind yourself of your strength, resilience, and capacity for growth. With the right support, including resources like the Uplift app, you can navigate the challenges of anxiety and depression and come out stronger on the other side.


American Psychiatric Association. (2022). Anxiety disorders. https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/anxiety-disorders/what-are-anxiety-disorders

Creswell, J. D., Dutcher, J. M., Klein, W. M., Harris, P. R., Levine, J. M., & Sherman, D. K. (2013). Self-affirmation improves problem-solving under stress. PLoS One, 8(5), e62593. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0062593

National Institute of Mental Health. (2020). Mental illness. https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/mental-illness

Sherman, D. K., Cohen, G. L., & Nelson, L. D. (2018). Affirmation: How affirming core values can support self-integrity and support mental health. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27(3), 187–192. https://doi.org/10.1177/0963721417748679

World Health Organization. (2021). Depression and other common mental disorders: Global health estimates. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/depression-global-health-estimates